Thank You Partners

Thank you for helping Quinta Mazatlan fulfill its mission of bringing partners together to advance environmental education, eco-tourism and the environment for the health of all. 


Partnerships in Education and Conservation

  • • University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) - Collaboration on the establishment of the UTRGV Center for Urban Ecology at Quinta Mazatlan, including on-site laboratories, educational outreach & teaching opportunities, and impactful urban ecology projects and research across the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.
  • • Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD) - Quinta Mazatlan was one of the nine World Birding Center sites established in the 2000s to enhance ecotourism opportunities in the region. The Center for Urban Ecology builds on that initial partnership with additional generous support from the TPWD.
  • • Texas Children in Nature Network (TCiNN) - TCiNN works with the South Texas community through outreach and engagement, providing resources, ideas and strategies which enrich the environmental education and nature-based programming.
  • • Texas A&M Forest Service - The City of McAllen and McAllen Independent School District (MISD) are grateful for the Schoolyard Forest grant to bring learning forests to some elementary schools in McAllen. The project goals include achieving 30% tree canopy cover on school grounds, creating outdoor learning spaces, and engage the neighboring communities in the great outdoors.
  • • Valley Land Fund - Quinta Mazatlan partners with the conservation efforts of the Valley Land Fund. The Urban Sanctuary is committed to educating the public through the Youth Nature Photo Contest. 
  • • Outdoor Learning Environment (OLE!) Texas - Quinta Mazatlan is thrilled to have an OLE! Certified natural-playscape and learning environment, which has inspired curriculum driven programming.
  • • Nature Everywhere - Quinta Mazatlan is a Nature Everywhere Community, recognizing that having access to nature helps children thrive. From better academic performance to supporting physical and mental health, children playing and learning outside is an important part of a healthy growing community.
  • • Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County   California Academy of Sciences - The Center for Urban Ecology (CUE) co-organizes the Lower Rio Grande Valley region for the City Nature Challenge, a global community science project to document biodiversity. This data is used in scientific publications, to enhance nature interpretation, and support conservation efforts through publicly available data.
  • • National Wildlife Federation (NWF) - To conserve monarch butterflies and other pollinators in the City of McAllen, via the Mayor's Monarch Pledge and the Climate Resilient Habitats programs. Activities include creating demonstration gardens, adding pollinator-friendly plants to public spaces, and providing educational outreach to the community.
  • • Native Plant Project (NPP) - To encourage the use of native plants in Rio Grande Valley landscaping, we have partnered with NPP to give away thousands of native plant seed packets to RGV residents.
  • • Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas - Quinta Mazatlan works closely with troop leaders and the Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas Council to expand nature-based programming to meet the design of badge requirements for south Texas scouts.
  • •  Cornell Lab of Ornithology - Quinta Mazatlan uses the citizen science (CS) based bird observation network launched by Cornell called eBird. This data helps advance bird related science, conservation and education efforts.
  • •  Children & Nature Network (C&NN) - Working with the national organization, Quinta Mazatlan deepens commitment for creating green schoolyard strategies that can advance children’s nature connection and climate resilience.
  • •  Boy Scouts of America - Quinta Mazatlan provides scouts the outdoor experiences and guidance to help youth accomplish their scout badges and volunteer requirements.

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